Achimenes (Gesneriaceae)
From the Greek alpha privative and cheimino “I’m in the cold” to indicate that it is too delicate plants to withstand low temperatures....
From the Greek alpha privative and cheimino “I’m in the cold” to indicate that it is too delicate plants to withstand low temperatures....
The name derives from that of the Greek hero Achille who is said to have employed the astringent qualities of the. filipendulina to treat...
These are deciduous trees, whose sizes vary from those of a shrub (Acer palmatum), to those of large trees, such as the Acer...
The name comes from the Arabic abutilun, a species of mallow. Semi-rustic shrubs to be cultivated in greenhouses, in cold-climate...
The name derives from the Latin abire «to leave, to leave», ie to rise from the ground, with reference to the great height that can be...
From the name nanas, aborigine of South America. The genus includes tropical herbaceous, commercially cultivated on a scale where the...
The name derives from the Greek anagallís, «pimpinella». Although many species of this genus are perennial, it is common in cultivation...
The name of Anacyclus (Compositae) derives from the Greek anà «above» and kílos «circle», due to the fact that the fertile female flowers...
The name, derived from the Greek analMmpto «let me return» and éros «love», was attributed to this genus by Linnaeus (it existed since...
The name derives from the Greek ómpelos «vite» and ópsis «appearance, appearance». The genus includes rustic plants, D, fast growing and...
The name derives from the Greek dmorphos «informe» and derives from the irregular shape of the flower. The genus includes shrubs that can...
The name derives from the ancient French name of A. ovalis. The genus includes small trees or large shrubs, deciduous, rustic, cultivated...
The name derives from that of a shepherdess from Greek and Latin poetry. It is a genus that includes only one true species, although the...
The name derives from the Greek lfisa «anger», with a privative in reference to a possible property to cure anger and insanity. It is a...
The name derives from the Greek althala, used by Theophrastus in his “History of plants” for the wild mallow, deriving from the verb...
The name derives from the Latin alternus “alterno” and from the greek anthercí “flowered” due to the fact that fertile stamens alternate...
Name given in honor of Baron Clas Alstroemer, Swedish botanist and friend of Linnaeus. The genus includes tuberose of South America,...
Name given in honor of Prospero Alpino, an Italian doctor and botanist of the sixteenth century, who was a professor of botany in Padua...
The name of Albizia was given in honor of the Italian naturalist Albizzi. The genus includes small trees and shrubs all originating in...
The genus Vinca has five species in Central and Southern Europe, but only the little periwinkle (Vinca minor) is present in our hardwood...