The name derives from the Greek dmorphos «informe» and derives from the irregular shape of the flower. The genus includes shrubs that can reach even 4-5 m. The flowers that are collected in spikes are formed at the ends of the branches developed in the previous season.
Violet flowers, gathered in spikes, of the false indigo, Amorpha fruticosa.
Cultivated species of Amorpha:
A. fruticosa, false indigo, is native to North America; imported into Europe it has also spontaneousized in Italy, it blooms in July with violet flowers gathered in spikes. It is a shrub up to 3-5 meters tall, with erect, pubescent branches, small flowers in spiky racemes, terminals; Amorpha canescens, smaller than the previous one, can reach cm 90 in length, the blue flowers open from June to September; Amorpha microphilla is characterized by fragrant flowers, forming a cluster inflorescence.
all the plants of the genus Amorpha are suitable for the realization of mixed hedges in open places well exposed to the sun. They can be transplanted from October to February. After flowering, the plants must be pruned and deprived of the branches that have brought the inflorescences to their extremities. At the base of the bush will be formed numerous suckers that will guarantee its subsequent development. The multiplication is commonly done by cuttings in the summer or even in autumn using the branches obtained with pruning, but it can also be done by seed sowing in cold chests in spring.
Read also: Amelanchier (Rosaceae)