Aconitum (Ranunculaceae)
The name derives from the Greek akòniton "poisonous plant". The genus includes evergreen perennials originating from the northern...
The name derives from the Greek akòniton "poisonous plant". The genus includes evergreen perennials originating from the northern...
The name aeriva from the Greek aktÃs «ray» alluding to the radiated stigmas of the female flower. Cultivated species of Actinidia: the...
The name derives from the Greek "dry" adÃantos, used by Theophrastus in the Historia Plantarum, probably to mean that the water flows on...
Br. Allamand (18th century). The genus includes temperate-warm, evergreen, sarmentose plants of tropical America, with verticillated...
The name probably derives from the Latin Albus, in relation to the fact that the first, discovery had white flowers. a genus to which...
Alchemilla from the Arabic alkemelych passed into the Latin akhymÃa, to indicate that the plant was used by alchemists. The genus...
The name derives from the Greek one used by Dioscorides. The genus includes marsh plants that live in ponds and ditches. Cultivated...
The Japanese name of the plant. This genus includes shrub-like twining species, half-second in a mild climate, originating in China and...
The name of Ajuga derives from the Greek to privative and from the Latin jugum «yoke», due to the lack of the upper lip. Genus of...
The name of Ailanthus derives from the word ailanto, a local term used for a tropical species, which means "tree high enough to reach the...
The name of the Agrostis derives from the Greek agòs «campo». The genus includes herbaceous plants sometimes creeping, resistant, and...
The name of the Aglaonema derives from the Greek aglaós «lucente» and néma «filo», probably with reference to the shining stamens of the...
The name derives from the Greek agauós «splendid, admirable». These are succulent plants of the hot and dry American regions, originating...
The name derives from the Greek agà pe «amore», à nthos «flower» and means flower of love. It is a genus of South-African origin, to which...
Name of dark etymology. The perennial plant perennial is used for the decoration of rock gardens, has a prostrate woody stem and flowers...
The name derives from the Latin Aesculus, an oak species. These are large trees that are cultivated for the majestic appearance of the...
The name derives from the Greek but the meaning is obscure; in this genre, we tend to include the genus Trichosporum today. They are...
The name derives from the Greek «immortal» aiónios. It is, in fact, a genus similar to the genus Sempervivum of which it recalls the...
The name derives from the Greek akmé «punta», with an allusion to the rigid points of the glass. The genus includes evergreen plants from...
The name derives from the Greek adrós «abundant» and mischóis «stem». The genus, native to South Africa, includes dwarf succulent...