HI! Wellcome in our Garden Design Blog
After deliberately destroying forests and pine forests, heaths and meadows, in the name of the misunderstood needs of industrial and urban civilization, Man has for some decades begun to become aware, often following bitter experiences, of the absurdity of his self-injurious behavior. Ecology has become one of the best known sciences, at least in name and in general purposes, among vast layers of public opinion and, even if sometimes it may appear as a fashionable phenomenon, its vital importance is and remains undisputed and indisputable .We have been fighting for years to defend the environment, and we believe that, in the general framework of ecological problems, the problem of greenery occupies a particular place.
In overcrowded cities, where the streets are concrete gullies embedded between the very high walls of buildings-barracks, the need for green spaces, meadows, wooded areas, public parks is increasingly becoming a fundamental requirement for the human being, who needs to find relaxation, serenity indispensable to help him bear the tensions of modern life. In the countryside, abandoned by the rush to urbanization, the profound need to safeguard the natural environment is beginning to be felt and one realizes that it can also become a significant source of wealth; encouraging a spontaneous trend, already in the process of affirming itself, towards a new type of tourism and holiday precisely because, after all, very ancient: the periodic stay in restored and equipped farmhouses, in a more direct and authentic contact with Nature than that that many hotels can offer.
The love for greenery, increasingly felt, if only in the form of nostalgia, has strengthened in these times the need to know better the kingdom of plants: it is the sign of a more mature awareness, of a different form of relationship with the natural world, which Man aspires to better understand in order to better defend him, now that he sees him dramatically threatened. In our blog we adopt a new and different way of considering the plant kingdom in its entirety, that is, as a heritage not only rich in high aesthetic values ​​and immense economic value, but fundamental and indispensable for the survival of Man and his civilization: plants give us the oxygen that allows us to breathe and transform solar energy for us in order to make it usable, to offer us food products of primary importance, wood that finds thousands of applications, medicinal substances still irreplaceable, the serenity and beauty of a relaxing and restful environment, the harmonious and lovable cheerfulness of the flowers.
Organized in a rational and efficient way thanks to the contribution of scholars who combine specialist knowledge an authentic and profound love for Nature: knowing the world of plants through our blog means discovering its secrets, functions, importance, means entering into a relationship with Nature, learning to love it more and feel the need more vividly to defend it, and to defend it for ourselves and for those dear to us.
In this spirit, our garden design blog has been created to satisfy all the most different needs: it provides with great clarity, with the greatest comprehensibility possible and with a lively and pleasant display, an enormous wealth of notions that can be used practically by all those who they love Nature, they understand how vital the role it plays in the life of each of us and they want to get closer to it. And this applies not only to those who can have a park or a piece of land to transform into a garden, but also and above all for those who want to create a green corner even only on a small terrace, on a balcony or in an an corner of the house.