The name derives from that of the Greek hero Achille who is said to have employed the astringent qualities of the. filipendulina to treat its wounds. The genus includes perennial rustic plants for the garden or for the rock garden, typical of the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere; several species are alpine.
In the frame of this formal garden we notice in the foreground Achillea (Compositae)
Cultivated species of Achillea:
A. filipendulina, syn. Achillea eupatorium (about 1.50 m), pinnate leaves, peeping flowers, yellow, gathered in dense flattened corymbs. There are various cultivars; Achillea millefolium, a yarrow (cm 30 – m 1), bipinnate leaves, flat corymbs with pink or white flowers, the type is common in pre-alpine pastures; the varieties grown for the garden have more showy flowers, also red, deriving from the rubra variety; A. ptarmica (60 cm), suitable for the northern regions, with linear-lanceolate leaves and white flower heads whose cultivars, with double flowers, are also widely used for cut flowers; Achillea ageratifolia, A. crysocoma, A. tomentosa and several others are used in rock gardens, especially in alpine type; they are all low, ground-covering, with yellow or white flowers.
the Achillea do not have particular needs of soil, provided it is permeable and well drained. While they mostly prefer slightly calcareous soils, they also adapt well to acid soils. Sunny position, partial shade in warm climates. The multiplication can be done by division in spring or autumn or by seed in spring.