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Ananas (Bromeliaceae)


From the name nanas, aborigine of South America. The genus includes tropical herbaceous, commercially cultivated on a scale where the climate allows it, for the “fruit”, which is a fleshy syncropus, consisting of single berries welded together, with the rachis and with the bracts from which only the extremity protrudes. , and ending in a tuft of leaves called the crown. As a whole, the plant is made up of a rosette of radical leaves, generally curved out and thorny, in the center of which stands the inflorescence that will give rise to the fruit. In cold and temperate climates it is cultivated in a pot, as ornamental and it is possible to make it fructify, albeit to a lesser extent, in a warm-humid greenhouse. Some varieties, especially the variegated ones, are used at the youth stadium as houseplants.

Ananas comosum variegatus is a specimen of pineapple that is grown in the greenhouse for ornamental purposes.

Cultivated species of Ananas:

Ananas bracteatus, with enlarged rosette, flat leaves of bronze green and long spaced spines; has a var. striatus or variegatus, where the yellowish white, often with rosy reflections in excellent light, is predominant along the margins of the leaf that has the green center, often with further white streaks; Ananas comosum, with leaves reaching 1.50 m long, reddish purple flowers in spring; var .: sativus, with larger fruits and thorny leaves; debilis, with wide and wavy leaves, long fruit; lucidus, without thorns; porteanus, with a yellow-whitish central strip on the upper page of the leaves; variegatus, with wide ivory margins, red thorns and the center of the pink rosette. In cultivation, dwarf forms of several more compact and decorative varieties were obtained if used in the apartment.


the Ananas require high temperatures with a winter minimum of about 18 ° C, high humidity and frequent waterings during the vegetative period, more moderate in winter. Fruits are not formed before the plant has reached two years of age; during their formation, it must be fertilized and the watering will be reduced as they mature. The multiplication will be carried out by means of the suckers that the plant emits at the base or by rooting the crown of the fruit with strong heat, after letting the fleshy part that remains at the base dry so that it does not rot.

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