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Aglaonema (Araceae)


The name of the Aglaonema derives from the Greek aglaós «lucente» and néma «filo», probably with reference to the shining stamens of the flowers. It is a genus of evergreen plants for greenhouse and flat, grown for the often variegated ornamental foliage; the inflorescences are insignificant.

The classic white-veined leaf of the Aglaonema costatum.
The classic white-veined leaf of the Aglaonema costatum.

Cultivated species of the Aglaonema:

Aglaonema costatum, a low plant with greenish leaves, white-spotted and with a central white vein, of slow growth; A. modestum, with completely green leaves and often bushy bearing with stems more than one meter tall; it tolerates the reduced light well and for a certain time it can grow even in water; Aglaonema oblongifolium curtisii, an elegant plant with acuminate and erect leaves, variegated in light gray along the lateral veins, more delicate than the other species; Aglaonema pseudobracteatum, hybrid of uncertain origin, very decorative, with yellow leaves variegated in light green, green-gray and cream-white.


require rich and light soil, composed of fibrous earth, the earth of leaves and sand, shaded position, but sufficiently bright to maintain the mottling, abundant waterings in summer with regular liquid fertilization, but thinned out during the winter. The leaves must be cleaned and sprayed frequently; the minimum winter temperature can go down to 13 ° C and even less for the A. modestum. Multiplication is normally carried out by cutting cuttings or cuttings of pieces of stem placed to store seeds in wet sand, which will root and 'sprout at each node.

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