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Agapanthus (Liliaceae)


The name derives from the Greek agàpe «amore», ànthos «flower» and means flower of love. It is a genus of South-African origin, to which belong generally herbaceous, perennial, evergreen plants.

The blue-colored flowers of the Agapanthus campanulatus.
The blue-colored flowers of the Agapanthus campanulatus.

Cultivated species Agapanthus:

A. africanus is a species whose blue-violet flowers bloom in summer; it can reach m 1 in height. The vars are known. albus with white flowers and nanus that has reduced dimensions. Agapanthus campanulatus (left Agapanthus umbellatus mooreanus) is about fifty centimeters tall, it blooms from July to September; the flowers are sky blue, while in the var. albus are white. Agapanthus inapertus is about 1 m tall, has hanging blue bell-shaped flowers; flowering in summer. Agapanthus orientalis is erroneously known as A. umbellatus perhaps because the flowers are collected in large umbels which can carry from 30 to 60 flowers each. It can reach 50 or 60 cm in height; it is cultivated quite frequently; also of this species, the var is known. albus with white flowers. Recently Headbourne hybrids have been marketed which are more rustic than other species; their colors vary from pale blue to dark blue-purple.


it requires rather large and low containers because the roots are very vigorous and tend to break the normal vessels; it can, therefore, be practiced also in the ground where the plants can remain during the winter period as long as you have the foresight to cover the foot with a blanket of leaves or straw. A suitable culture medium consists of 3 parts of fibrous soil, 1 part of well-decomposed leaf soil, 1 part of mature fertilizer and 1/2 part of sand. The tubers must be buried at a depth of about 15-20 cm; an abundant distribution of water is necessary during the vegetative period, from spring to autumn, and it is advisable to administer liquid fertilizer before and during flowering. In the colder regions, during winter, the A should be repaired. in cold greenhouses or in rooms where the temperature does not drop below zero; no watering is necessary. The multiplication is done by division, preferably in late spring, although it can be done in any season; it is better, however, to manipulate the plant as little as possible to obtain the best results. Reproduction from seed is not recommended because it takes a few years before it is flowered.

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