One of the most important aspects of the arrangement of a garden concerns the preparation of flowerbeds Except in particular cases, the places that you want to allocate for the flowers are circumscribed to selected areas whose shape and size will depend not only on the amount of soil you have, but also from the tastes of the designer. It is possible to have flowerbeds with well-marked and straight edges and others, on the other hand, with less regular borders and, apparently at least, more natural. Generally it would be advisable to draw a design on paper, before moving on to the practical implementation on the ground. In this way, material errors are avoided and every part of the garden will be harmoniously inserted in the general context. When you go to the practical realization, there are various means for delimiting with care and precision the edges of the flowerbeds So, for example, if the desired shape is circular, just put a peg in the ground at the center of them. and attach to it a rope as long as the radius of the circumference of the. same.
Colorful spring Flowerbedss Do not forget me, Violets, Daisies and Tuberose.
At the other end a pointed stick is passed and then, using the peg as a pivot, a groove corresponding to the edge of the flowerbeds is traced in the ground, which will therefore have a perfectly circular shape. If instead you want to draw an elliptical contour, then you take two pegs that are inserted into the ground at a distance that is as small as you want to approach the circular shape. Then you take a long rope three times the distance between the two pegs and, after having joined the two ends of each other, is passed around the pegs. After that, using a pointed stick, resting on the tensioned string, the groove corresponding to the edge of the flowerbeds is traced. (see also Plants for flower bed).
Raised flowerbeds
In some particularly humid areas, many plants resistant to cold can succumb during the winter months, due to excess moisture. One way to prevent this serious inconvenience is to prepare particular beds raised by the surrounding soil: this can be achieved in various ways and the choice depends on the plants and the type of soil. For example, for carnations, you can make a raised bed of 10-15 cm, mixing the soil with sand to ensure good drainage, without needing any support in such a superelevation. But where the flowerbed is raised 30 cm and more, then, it will be necessary to build a retaining wall, preferably of stones and dry, so that in the interstices it will be possible to make suitable herbaceous plants such as, for example, bulbs of South African plants which require excellent drainage, associated with dwarf conifers and alpine plants. For plants that can not stand calcium, the walls can be made with peat blocks, pleasing to the eye and easy to put in place, which must have, at least, 30 cm in length by 20 in height and 15 in width, and that they will be arranged as if they were bricks; in place of mortar, a mixture of peat and earth of leaves will be used and the abovementioned blocks will be kept well moist. Furthermore, it will be good to use this material in places that are not very sunny, to make slightly sloped slopes to facilitate the collection of rainwater and to put on the inside a layer at least 30 cm deep, made up of peat mowed with soil. of leaves. In this way, many species of beautiful and ornamental plants can be kept outdoors, even in very humid areas in winter.