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Ampelopsis (Vitaceae)

The name derives from the Greek ómpelos «vite» and ópsis «appearance, appearance». The genus includes rustic plants, D, fast growing and...

Amorphophallus (Araceae)

Name derived from the Greek Umorphos «informe» and phallós «foul», due to the polymorphism of the appendix of the spadix. Plant with...

Amorpha (Leguminosae)

The name derives from the Greek dmorphos «informe» and derives from the irregular shape of the flower. The genus includes shrubs that can...

Amelanchier (Rosaceae)

The name derives from the ancient French name of A. ovalis. The genus includes small trees or large shrubs, deciduous, rustic, cultivated...

Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae)

The name derives from that of a shepherdess from Greek and Latin poetry. It is a genus that includes only one true species, although the...

Alyssum (Cruciferae)

The name derives from the Greek lfisa «anger», with a privative in reference to a possible property to cure anger and insanity. It is a...

Althaea (Malvaceae)

The name derives from the Greek althala, used by Theophrastus in his “History of plants” for the wild mallow, deriving from the verb...

Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae)

The name derives from the Latin alternus “alterno” and from the greek anthercí “flowered” due to the fact that fertile stamens alternate...

Alstroemeria (Amaryllidaceae)

Name given in honor of Baron Clas Alstroemer, Swedish botanist and friend of Linnaeus. The genus includes tuberose of South America,...

Alpinia (Zingiberaceae)

Name given in honor of Prospero Alpino, an Italian doctor and botanist of the sixteenth century, who was a professor of botany in Padua...

The rock garden

The rock garden, in its most common sense, is often confused with the alpine garden which is instead much more specialized. In Italy, it...

Albizzia (Leguminosae)

The name of Albizia was given in honor of the Italian naturalist Albizzi. The genus includes small trees and shrubs all originating in...

Alopecurus (Graminaceae)

The name derives from the Greek alopékuros “foxtail”, referring to the appearance of the cylindrical spike inflorescences. This genus...

Alonsoa (Scrophulariaceae)

Name given in memory of the Spanish officer Alonso Zanoni. This genus includes perennial, suffruticose, bush-like species with racemic...

Aloe (Liliaceae)

Name probably derived from an Arabic or Hebrew term with the meaning of “bitter”. Already in the first century d. C. Dioscorides used the...

Alocasia (Araceae)

The name probably derives from a corruption of Colocasia, another genus of very similar plants belonging to the same family. Evergreen...

Alnus (Betulaceae); Alder

The name has preserved the Latin origin. The genus includes medium-sized trees, deciduous, which vegetate, except for a few species, in...

Trees in the garden

Trees are the living beings of a longer life than any garden can host; once settled in their home, it is then extremely difficult to...

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